In spite of 2 lady guests, I slept over until 8 oclock. I think I am far from farmer. I need to be a parson who enjoys the morning life.
After breakfrist, we went to dip up "Tanuki-ana meisui" which comes through mountain. Things had been good until there.
Then moving to farm, as soon as reach there, during making shade, lady Eico steped on a sharp needle and it went into her heel, it looked 5cm deep. She does not say anything but it looked hurt. Shit happens. We are worried about tetanus.
Then we drove to hospital. Even if we were in Osaka, it is still not easy. In here it is more, and far. Finally we drove 30min. and got to hospotal.
After seeing doctor, things seem to be alright. Eico got injected vaccine of tetanus.
Now time to go lunch. Had local beef lunch.After lunch ladies went back to city from Fukuchiyama sta.
After coming back to house, I improved our germination bed as photo.
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