
Shipment for tasting


In the morning, wife and I went to the test farm for A company, to take 60 packs of spinach for sending to A company for tasting. They taste to report me which is the best. I will ask them to see appearance, texture and taste.

After making 60 packs, we still have enough spinach. Then we decided to ship the rest out to our direct sale shop, as on every Wednesday its truck goes to a major department store in Osaka.
Our direct sale shop goes city every day. Every day of the week has different destination. Usually it takes 20% as a commission. But for the department store day, it becomes 40%. Shop takes 20% and the department store takes 20%. That is too much.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Oiiii,
    Enjoying reading your blog mate. We have some nice warm months coming soon. Hope you enjoy them.
    Cheer Marc
