Weather information says rain is coming tonight, so that I was needed to finish many things before it.
I scattered Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and coffee compost on the field which is called 2a and 2b. For only 2a I scatted the secret stone powder SGE. Then I can see how SGE works. Then plowing the field by tractor.
How I spend today was like a time attack.
07:30 Yamsai came
08:30 Introduce my master to Yamsai
09:30 Work at farm like above
12:00 Lunch with Yamsai
13:00 Picking up coffee compost
14:30 Introduce Mr.Takagi to Yamsai
16:00 Work at farm like above
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Meeting for exchange party
Busy day.
Anyway, it is raining. Rain helps the fertilizers to be mixed with soil.
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