
Sumatran trainee


Master had already left for Hiroshima when I visited his house this morning. A trainee from Indonesia named Indra and I work together. It is his first day.

He is from Western Sumatra and was born farmer family. In Sumatra, there is a matrilineal family, men works out side, women workes inside, so that he does not and can not cook at all, women take over family property, it it is not possible to for men to invite wife even if he is only one child.

PHD brought him to Japan on PHD cost.
About PHD, see URL below please.
He came to Japan in April. This is the first time for him to come to Japan. He had learned Japanese since he came, especially he got 6weeks lessons by YMCA. After that he visits a few farms and speaks Japanese. It is amasing.
He has been doing agriculture since he educated junior high school. He has made tabaco, cacao, coffee, rubber, rice, pepper, onion and others. His father brings their harvests to the market and make money. Onion makes good money more than my guess. He said 1kg of onion makes 150Yen.
I enjoyed to work with him.

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